Vital Signs Monitoring System w. EMR Automation

Revolutionize patient care with real-time monitoring through our IoT Vital Sign Monitoring. Ensure timely vital sign updates and proactive responses for all patients.

Enhance patient safety and well-being. Identify those requiring immediate attention,providing high-quality care.

  • Challenges of Rapid Response Systems in Hospitals

    Real-time Monitoring Challenges: Current Rapid Response Systems (RRS) often struggle with real-time monitoring, especially in general wards, affecting safety of high-risk patients.

    Delayed Data Entry: Vital signs are recorded every 2-4 hours during nurses' rounds, causing entry delays into the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system

    Specialized Monitoring Needs: Specific patient groups, such as post-surgery or transferred from ICU, require real-time monitoring for early intervention.

  • Introducing IndoorPlus+ Vital Sign Monitoring

    Real-time Vital Sign Monitoring: For Patients needing continuous observation, vital signs are measured real-time using dedicated monitors or wearable medical devices.

    Automatic EMR Integration: Vital signs are seamlessly logged into the EMR system in real-time, eliminating the need for manual data entry by nurses.

    Enhanced RRS: The system integrates with existing RRS, allowing for immediate identification of at-risk patients and swift response by the Rapid Response Team (RRT).

  • Main Benefits of IndoorPlus+ Vital Sign Monitoring

    Improved Patient Outcomes:Real-time monitoring enables proactive actions, improving the quality of patient care and outcomes.

    Efficiency:Nurses' workload is significantly reduced, ensuring more timely response to patients' needs.

    Safety of High-Risk Patients: Real-time monitoring is especially crucial for surgical patients, those transferred from the ICU, and critically ill patients, optimizing their care.

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